By Hannah Milne, Associate Director and Workplace Champion, Time to Change pledge 

Last weekend was Mental Health Awareness Day and as part of our Time to Change pledge we took part in a training session designed to open up conversations with colleagues about their mental health and wellbeing. Apparently, we say “I’m fine” an average of 14 times a day. And when asked how we are, responses such as “busy” or “good” have become such go-to answers that the person barely registers the answer. 

Which is why sometimes you have to ask twice to find out how someone really is. And be ready to really listen to the answer, and all the subtleties it might carry with it. The session covered some practical hints and tips on how to get people to open up as well as what to do once someone comes to you with how they are feeling and how to signpost them to the right resources and people. 

It’s a simple thing, really, when you think about it – asking someone how they are. But in the disconnected state many of us are working in at the moment, and often one too many Zooms, it can get harder to find the time to do it. Which is why we’ve been block booking time in the entire office’s diary for coffee morning chats – no work talk, no emails in the background. Just a cup of tea and a biscuit and a good old natter.

We’ve also encouraged staff to revisit their Wellness Action Plans (WAPs) we introduced earlier this year. These plans act as a blueprint to keeping our staff feeling at their best - they are a very practical and simple way of allowing staff to support their own mental health and allowing line managers to support their teams.

You absolutely don’t need to have a mental health problem in order to feel the benefits of a WAP, anyone can fill one out. What it allows is some time for self-reflection about what keeps you feeling well, what might trigger you to not feel so great, and that you’ve thought about what practical steps you have in place to ensure you are supported in the times you need it most.

With this in mind, our team shared some of their top tips for supporting themselves in times they might especially need it. Everyone is different, and you’ll need to find what works for you, but it helps us knowing what each other need to feel good, so we can remind each other to do it: 

  • Spending time in nature (even if it’s in my garden) – Pam 

  • Lighting my favourite candle and putting on a face mask – Leanne 

  • I love watching Animé for some relaxing downtime – Ed 

  • Relaxing in a warm bubble bath – Jodie 

  • Tucking into sausage in batter, chips and mushy peas from the chippy – Toby 

  • Getting some exercise in every day - It really is the thing that keeps me sane – Katie 

  • Having a large bowl of ice cream for pudding and re-watching episodes of Friends – Alexandra 

  • After a stressful day at work walking home - it takes around an hour but is the best way to break from a busy day – Hannah 

  • Getting outside in the fresh air - a bike ride or walk – and focusing on what is going on around me, rather than what’s in my head – Clare H

  • Regardless of the weather, I just need to get outside – Rich 

  • Switching off and going to my local (heated!) outdoor pool for a swim – Natalie H 

For more information on Wellness Action Plan’s head to mind who also have excellent templates which are a great place to start 


Mandy Sharp