
Vogue Portugal can go F*** themselves was my initial reaction.


In all honesty when I glimpsed the cover of the Vogue Portugal ‘Madness Issue’ I thought someone had acted on a vendetta against the publication and had published their own mock-up to cause the title harm. Therefore, my acute astonishment when I realised it was in fact created by their own editorial team, left me bewildered. And angry. 


What I found most problematic was Vogue Portugal’s conflation of mental illness into an aesthetic. An outdated and damaging aesthetic but one which is made out to be ‘artistic’.


As I have never been treated by the Portuguese health system, I cannot account for what it is like. However, my experience of treatment rooms and centres within the NHS, albeit limited compared to some, has always had a central onus on normality. Far from being sterile and soulless with expressionless nurses shuffling through cold corridors, as Vogue Portugal may have you believe, wards and treatment rooms are made to be comfortable, practical and most importantly safe. Thus, in punctuating a highly outdated vision on their cover, Vogue Portugal have not only displayed a sense sheer ignorance but have done intense harm, whether unknowingly or not, by contributing further to entrench the taboo around mental health in society. At a time when so many individuals and institutions are attempting to erase it.


Even more problematically, the cover draws parallels with Steven Meisel’s controversial ‘Models Enter Rehab’ shoot for Vogue Italia in 2007 which provocatively sought to glamorise young men and women in rehabilitation centres. A shoot which has since garnered large amounts of criticism for how it handled the topic.  I can therefore only assume the entirety of Vogue Portugal’s researchers and sub-editors are on furlough.


Over the past few years we have seen numerous consumer magazines pioneer conversations around subjects deemed to be ‘taboo’ – from eating disorders to period poverty. Indeed, I strongly believe that these magazines have an important place within these conversations.  


Many young journalists have penned powerful and practical pieces on their own experience of dealing with mental health, shining a light on taboos that need to be overcome and providing details and in-depth portraits on the institutions that are there to help. I’ve also contributed to a first-person piece for Cosmopolitan on my experiences with depression, which helped bring clarity to the conversation.


In June last year, Men’s Health produced a series of truly honest cover stories centring on a group of young boys from a South London Academy entitled “the next generation”, focussing on male mental health amongst teenagers to launch its #GiveThemAHeadStart campaign. The journalism consolidated the thoughts, research and opinions of teachers, counsellors, clinicians, commissioners, legislators and, of course, the students photographed to provide a truly holistic and evolved documentation of the crisis.* The photographer himself, Chris Floyd, drew on carefully researched inspiration from a previously successful and sensitive New York Magazine cover story of school-shooting victims across the US.**


Therefore, not only is Vogue Portugal’s cover entrenched in distaste, but it is also lazy and unresearched journalism.


As many brands, including some within the Condé Nast  platform, are working tirelessly to help educate readers and fight to break taboos, this sadly makes Vogue Portugal seem out of step with contemporary feeling and fuels the argument of its own critics that traditional, glossy magazines have had their day. Something I strongly disagree with.


As for the title of the issue ‘The Madness Issue’ – believe me when I say if you are struggling with mental ill health, this does not necessarily mean you are mad. If you have been medically diagnosed with a form of madness, then just like any other illness this deserve to be respected, understood, accepted and above all treated like you would any other condition.


I continue to stand by my initial statement, Vogue Portugal should go f*** themselves, but most importantly they should go and f****** educate themselves and also hire a few more researchers.


* https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/wellness/mens-health-mental-health-investigation-oasis-academy-south-bank-students-a4132436.html


** https://www.creativereview.co.uk/mens-health-tackles-the-male-mental-health-crisis-with-its-latest-cover/


Mandy Sharp