
Tin Man has won a government-backed campaign representing the UK creative industries, following a four-stage pitch process. 


The brief will continue raising anti-piracy awareness for the Get it Right From A Genuine Site initiative – the Creative Content UK (CCUK) run collaboration between the BPI, the UK record labels association, MPA – representing the global film, TV and streaming industry, supported by government.  


Our creative content programme will aim to reduce piracy by encouraging 18-24 year olds to get their film, TV, music, gaming, book or sports content from genuine sites, and support UK creativity at the same time.  It will build on other Get it Right initiatives that have been running since 2015. 

Tin Man will be handling owned, shared and paid as well as earned media, in a brief which goes beyond the traditional PR remit.

As part of the digital education campaign, the agency will be raising awareness of hero video content created by stars from across the creative industries, to highlight the value of entertainment over the past few months. The campaign kicks off with viral comedian and internet sensation Munya Chawawa discussing how entertainment got him and his ‘housemates’ through the last few months. The video content has been produced by Oh My! and Tin Man.  

James Gardiner, Programme Coordinator for Creative Content UK (CCUK) said: 

“We need to continue setting the right environment where UK creative firms and the talent they work with can receive a fair and proper value for the amazing content they create, not least so they can continue to produce more of it for fans to enjoy. Working collaboratively across the creative industries has helped us to tackle piracy in a more co-ordinated and imaginative way, and this new phase of the campaign will enable us to continue strengthening our creative economy. “

“We were impressed with Tin Man’s experience engaging young people and encouraging behavioural change through emotionally connected campaigns.” 

Mandy Sharp, CEO and founder of Tin Man, commented: 

“The message to young people is loud and clear – by supporting what you love, you invest in the development of new artists, creators and more great content. This is a current and necessary campaign and we’re looking forward to seeing it come to life and make a difference to the lives of content creators across the country.”

Mandy Sharp