Tin Man’s Hearts and Minds team chose to centre this month's wellbeing theme around sleep and organised an agency-wide talk with qualified sleep expert and neuroscientist Dr Lindsay Browning. 

We know balancing your workday, getting your steps in, and finding time for fun with friends and family can be overwhelming, and often getting a good night’s sleep isn’t a priority – but it is vital to keep us fighting fit. Here’s a few of the best tips and tricks from Dr Lindsay…

Routine, routine, routine

Your body reacts best to regular sleeping patterns with the same bed and wake times (whether a week day or a weekend), so this is a great, easy place to start if struggling with quality sleep. 

Leave yourself enough time to get at least 7 hours. This might even mean missing your weekend lie-ins!

Vitamin D to help you Zzz

Getting sunlight during the day will help your brain release all the hormones needed and will regulate your circadian rhythm, allowing you to have a productive day and be ready for an early night. Sitting by a window, taking a 10-minute walk, or purchasing a SAD light will improve how much vitamin D you get.

4-7-8 breathing

Using a breathing technique will reduce your heart rate and trick your brain into entering a more relaxed state. This in turn calms you down so you are in a better state for sleep. 

 Do it with us, in for 4, hold for 7, out for 8…

The THE Rule

Now bear with us here, if you find yourself wide awake staring at the ceiling at 2am, one of the best things you can do is repeat the word ‘THE’ in your head. Not only does it distract your brain but, as the word is neutral, it won’t evolve into deeper thoughts. 

Like your very own white noise.

Exclusively for rest

When you use your bed for working, scrolling and snoozing, it can be hard to dissociate bed with these activities, so make sure you save the covers for getting cosy and counting sheep.

Lights, movement, action

In the middle of the night, when struggling to sleep, the WORST thing to do is lie there staring at the ceiling.

Instead, get up, turn the light on, exert some energy, do some ironing, make some toast and try again in half an hour.


For more advice and tips, please follow Dr Browning on Instagram and visit her website, Trouble Sleeping.  

Sweet dreams…

Mandy Sharp