“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” - Michelangelo

Last night we hosted our inaugural Tin Women Collective event – an evening designed to bring together successful, like-minded, female comms professionals.

Being a predominantly female led agency and having a roster of incredible senior female clients, we came together in the sunshine to share experiences, support each other and hear from some inspirational guest speakers about everything from shameless self-promotion and silencing your inner critic to leading authentically and building confidence.

Our first slot was filled by TV personality, comedian, writer and business mentor @callybeaton. Cally has held board level positions at some of the biggest media companies in the world, including ITV and Viacom, and offered up some stories and experiences of her career over the decades.

Cally spoke about disrupting (she was once described as a grenade in a millpond), the value of emotional intelligence (EQ) as well as IQ, leaning into vulnerability and how to ‘fail better’.

She also reflected on the importance of walking towards difference and being curious about what makes you uncomfortable to effect real change. 

Our second speaker was a friend of Tin Man, Lisa Quinn, who is an accredited Executive Coach and held Director of Comms roles at the likes of Hearst, National Lottery, Royal London and Taylor Bennet. 

Lisa highlighted some challenges she has seen her clients facing over the last 22 years, and shared some ideas, strategies and resources on things that could help. Some key outtakes were:

  1. Getting to know your inner critic and talking to yourself differently

  2. Being guided by your values and using them to make intentional decisions

  3. Don’t wait to be discovered – be intentional about managing your own reputation and be a self-promoting wanker!

  4. Champion and promote other women – particularly those in minority groups

  5. Just because you don’t have creative in your title, doesn’t mean you aren’t a creative person. And finally…

  6. Zoom out to give yourself a new perspective

For more insights follow @callybeatoncomedian and @lisaquinncoaching on Instagram, and watch this space for more Tin Women Collective Events.

Mandy Sharp