School’s definitely out for summer, and as a new generation of talent joins workplaces all over the UK, our last intake of new starters offer their advice on transitioning to a working environment.

 We understand that the first full-time job after school, university or college can feel daunting and nerve-wracking.  However, it’s also a really exciting time, and we’ve loved reflecting on what we’ve all learnt as individuals since joining Tin Man. 

  1. Step outside your comfort zone: Your chosen industry provides loads of new and exciting opportunities, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and go for it. Feeling a little bit scared is good – that’s how you learn and grow!

  2. Bring all of yourself to all of the work: A business is only as good as its people – and everyone brings a diverse point of view to the table. You were chosen as much for your differences as your similarities. Bring it all.

  3. The work / life balance: Balancing work and life can feel difficult, especially if you want to impress, but make sure you build sensible boundaries and know that it is okay to close that laptop at the end of the day. If you feel overwhelmed, ask for help prioritising rather than be paralysed by worrying about it.

  4. Be proactive: Throw yourself into the work rather than wait for work to be given to you – people love those that put their hands up, volunteer and generally get stuck in, whatever the task. Enthusiasm and drive goes a long way.

  5. Ask questions: Don’t be nervous to ask questions or for clarification on what you’ve been asked to do. Everyone understands you're new and wanting to get it right shows you care about the work you’re doing. No question is a stupid question.

  6. Prioritise: Sometimes your to do list can seem overwhelming, but if you break it down into smaller chunks, it’s never that bad - start with the highest priority and go from there. If you don’t know which task is most urgent, ask someone that does ;o)

  7. Read up: Take time to really get stuck into the trade news about the industry you’re in and any clients or customers you work with. It will help you understand what’s going on and therefore how you can contribute.

  8. Buddy up: Your line managers, work buddies or mentors are there for you, so don't be afraid to ask for help or turn to them for advice.

  9. Socialise: Chatting over work lunches or drinks are the best way to get to know the people in the office – and identify who you can turn to in times of need. We all need a work wife or husband! You can even ask different people around the office – even the boss – to have a 20 min coffee with you. They’ll admire your initiative.

  10. Make mistakes: You will make mistakes. Not just now, but throughout your career. This is how you learn. Take responsibility when mistakes happen, learn how/where you went wrong and keep going without getting too disheartened or distracted.

Mandy Sharp